Using a hotpot...Tip #2

Today's tip is a money and time saving tip.

Do you remember the hot pot you used in your younger years, when you were first starting out on your own...or in your college dorm? Yeah, that's the one. The one tucked waaay back in a cupboard somewhere.'s time to get it out.

Use a hot pot to boil water (or any type of liquid that needs to be boiled/heated).

Using a hot pot instead of a burner on your stove will not only help save you money by using less electricity, it will also save you time.

I'm one of those people who have to do my own myth busting. I've tested this and it takes less than half the time to boil water in the hot pot than it does using the stove. As for exactly how much energy it saves, I can't say. Trust me though, it does.
Also, I don't use it just for boiling water. I heat soup, make stuffing, cook rice...anything I would heat in a pot on the stove, I use my hot pot instead!

Just another tip to help you be more be energy efficient and save time and money!

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