I have kindly been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award by Coco at Frugal in Paradise. If you are into saving money and finding great deals...check her out!
With this award, I am to name 7 things/people that I love. 
1. My son XR and everything we do together.
2. My husband.
3. My family...and it's a large extended family.
4. My friends...you know who you are!
5. Blogging
7. Being EcOnomical and finding a great bargain.
The 7 blogs that I nominate are: (these are in no particular order)
1. Why is the House a Mess?
2. Green and Frugal Living
3. 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven
4. I became my mother
5. Saving with Sara
6. Bargain Becky
7. Frugal Plus
All of these blogs are very deserving blogs!!!
Check them out! (PLEASE)