Dr. Laura, In Praise of Stay-At-Home Moms

They number in the millions and they are incredibly important to families and to our society, yet they are underappreciated, little respected, and even controversial.

Who are they?

Ohh...ohhh...I know, I know...pick me!!!! babai

They are the stay-at-home moms.

These are women who know in their hearts that staying home to raise their children is the right choice for the whole family. Some do it from the outset of their marriages, while others make the difficult transition from career-driven women to homemakers. Either way, it is a choice that is incredibly rich and rewarding, not to mention challenging.

Has this peaked your interest!?! It did mine. If you're still thinking, take a look inside her new book and enjoy.

Okay, now brace yourself...I am lucky enough to offer one reader an autographed copy! See my contest for more details...

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