How to make your refrigerator more energy efficient. (Step 2)

Step two in how to make your refrigerator more energy efficient is very simple, but one that probably not many people will have thought about. It makes sense if you stop and think about it. Which is a key step in being efficient at anything.

Keep your refrigerator and freezer full.

Some people I know like to keep their refrigerator tidy and looking nice inside. This means they don't like to see all of the leftovers and other items just stashed in the fridge. They are constantly throwing out items, removing containers, and creating empty space so they can see the beautiful shelving in the fridge.
ihikhik Although there is nothing wrong with wanting to have an aesthetically pleasing, organized refrigerator, there is with wanting to have the empty space.

Compare it to heating your house. The higher the ceilings, the more space you have to heat. {Most people, nowadays, are becoming more aware of the fact that, while aesthetically pleasing, cathedral or vaulted ceilings are inefficient. I.e. , you're heating a lot of dead space.} The same holds true for your fridge. The more space you have in the fridge, the more the compressor has to work.

Keeping your refrigerator and freezer full helps void the empty space. The items in your fridge can remain at the correct temperature longer than the air will. If you don't have a lot of items in the fridge, one way to help is to add containers of water. I reuse my gallon jugs and juice containers.

Adding containers of water is ecOnomical for a few of reasons. 1.) It voids the empty space, saving your compressor. 2.) You will always have cold water available to drink. 3.)If the electricity goes out, it will help maintain the temperature inside longer, keeping your food cold. These are just a few reasons...if you think of any other reasons please add them below.

And remember...

Keep your refrigerator and freezer full.

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