How to make your refrigerator more energy efficient (Step #5)

The placement of your refrigerator is an important factor in it's energy usage. Now, I realize that you may not have the option of moving your fridge. If you don't, then just follow my other steps. There's nothing you can do about it. However, if you're building a new home, remodeling, or are just lucky, then you should keep in mind the 'heat factor'. Common sense hopefully tells us that the hotter it is, the more the fridge will need to work. Now I know most of you have the kitchen's room temperature in mind. pokpok Yes, that's one them, but there are three that you should be concerned about. Can you think of them? Good.

I know people who are concerned about the room temperature in their kitchen, yet they put their fridge right next to the stove! adusOkay, maybe their common sense went on a vacation.garupale To me, this screams INEFFICIENT!!! But...that's just me and may be why you read my blog, so you can be more energy efficient. I'll do the thinking for you, and you can use your energy on something else. Hey, works for me!!

Anyway, there are three main sources of heat in your kitchen.

  1. The Stove/Oven
  2. Sunlight
  3. Your home's heat source

While there isn't a whole lot that you can do about the actual room temperature, there is concerning the sources of heat. I've read where experts say it won't make a difference in your electricity bill if your oven and fridge are placed side by side. Refrigerators and ovens are insulated, yes. But as to the 'experts' opinion, I beg to differ! {Please keep in mind that I am not, by any means, and 'expert'!} I am, however, able to say with certainty that there could be a change. And it's always better to be safe than sorry!

Now, I can't tell you where you should place your fridge. It's your kitchen, not mine. But I can tell you where you shouldn't...and that is near a heat source.takbole The first thing to look at is the placement of your oven. I suggest having at least a few feet of distance between the two...the further the better! The second thing to consider is where the sunlight shines in your kitchen. Try to avoid placing your fridge in direct sunlight. If your kitchen's like mine, there isn't a spot that doesn't get direct sunlight at some point in the day. Last, you need to consider where your home's heat source is, be it a register, duct, or whatever you have. Avoiding this can be tricky unless you're able to design a new kitchen. Once again, the further apart the better. And don't forget the kitchen triangle!kenyit

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