How to Keep Your Mower Running Efficiently (part 2)
Today I will give you tips on how to keep your mower running efficiently during the mowing season.
- Check the oil level after every other run or so. You don't want the oil to get too low. Oil keeps the engine parts lubricated and running efficiently.
- Low oil=Low efficiency.
- Don't forget to change your mower's oil... depending on the size of your yard you may have to do this a few times throughout the season. Like your car, you don't want the oil to turn to sludge and ruin the motor. This is one of the easiest, yet least done steps to keep your mower running efficiently.
- Sludgy oil=Low efficiency
- Again, like your car, you need to check/change the air filter throughout the season. A clogged air filter will skew the air/fuel balance, thus reducing your mower's efficiency.
- Low airflow = Low efficiency.
- Don't forget to clean off the grass that has accumulated on the blades and deck, especially the underside. Doing this not only allows moving parts to move freely, it also helps prevent rust.
- Clean mower=Happy mower.

Labels: Lawn Mower, Mowing Efficiently, tips