Menu Planning Manic Monday

I know that I have been absent for a couple of months. Sorry! Spring has always been a busy time. This year, however, I have been hit hard! XR is in kindergarten and I'm on the PTO...which makes spring especially busy. I have also started my own business. :) I have been crafting for...let's just say a long time! I've now taken my craftiness and turned it into an online business. Being the ecOnomical person that I am, I have been doing everything ALL BY MYSELF! Why pay when I can learn to do it myself! That has taken a considerable amount of this past month. There have been days that I've felt as though it was spent entirely on the computer. The bright side is that I've learned a LOT of tips and tricks and info using Blogger. In June, I will be adding a DIY blogger category to EcOnomical Mom! 

Through all of this chaos, menu planning has kept my family fed. If I hadn't planned my meals, who knows what my poor family would have eaten. :( Luckily for them, and me, we had good, nutritious meals every night.  Because I knew time was limited, I have been sticking with pretty simple meal plans. This week is not different.

Dinner: Grilled Chicken, baked potatoes, mixed veggies. (Due to the weather, I think I'll need to subsitute!)
Dinner: (Pizza Night) Regular
Dinner: (Crock Pot Night) Pork Loin Pot Roast w/ carrots and potatoes.
Dinner: (Pasta Night) Mama's Choice.
Dinner: Individual Meat Loaves, mashed potatoes, home canned green beans.
Lunch: Left Over's Lunch
Dinner: Stromboli
Lunch: Left Over's Lunch .
Dinner: Mexican Skillet Meal

Tomorrow I will be sharing my recipe for individual meatloaves. This is the easiest, tastiest meatloaf recipe! My son LOVES these. Check back later for my stromboli recipe. Have a good week everyone! And thank you to those who actually missed me!

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