Keep a pitcher of water in your fridge...Tip #12

This tip is yet another very simple ecOnomical tip.

Keep a pitcher of water in your fridge.

Doing this will help you save money and water. If you keep a container of water in the fridge, you will always have cold water to drink if you remember to fill the empty container. You won't have to let the tap run until the water gets cold which wastes a lot of water. Remember earlier when I stated that the average bathroom faucet runs at a rate of 2 gallons per minute? The average kitchen faucet is about 3 gallons per minute. We should all drink at least half of our body weight in ounces a day.

Let's just say eight glasses a day...running the water fifteen seconds before filling the glass...3 gallons a minute...that's 6 gallons a day per person wasted. With that in mind, fill your pitchers and save some water!

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